Utility Accounts and Billing

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Bills are mailed the 1st day of the month and are due on the 15th of the month.  If the bill is not paid by the 15th, a 5% penalty will be added two business days after the 15th.

Failure to receive your bill in the mail does not excuse responsibility for timely payment or prevent service disconnection.  If you do not receive it in the mail before the 15th of the month, call the Town Office to obtain your bill amount.
Only Town of Granite Falls employees are allowed to turn the electric or water meter on or off.  Anyone that tampers with electric or water meters, such as turning the meter on or off, bypassing or cutting seals, will be charged with meter tampering according to Town policy.
According to the Town Code of Ordinances, Town utility employees must have safe access to all Town electric or water meters.  If you have a dog or a locked gate that prevents access to your meter(s), you must call your reading into the Town Office before the 15th of the month.  These call-in readings will be verified periodically by Town utility employees who must be granted safe access to the meters.
The Town's utility customer agreement specifies, "The customer agrees to provide unrestricted access to both water and electric meters and to keep vegetation trimmed around both meters." Utility Customers must trim back any bushes, hedges, or limbs that obstruct access to meters.  No cars should be parked over water meters.
Title VI Statement: The Town of Granite Falls does not discriminate on the basis on race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in employment or in the provision of services. For more information about our Title VI policies, or how to file a discrimination complaint, please contact Town Manager at 828-396-3131. The Town also requires any contractors and/or sub-recipients agree to comply with nondiscrimination statutes and authorities.