Wastewater Plant

Wastewater Aerial
The mission of the Granite Falls Water Resources Department is to promote and protect the environment, preserve natural resources, and ensure the health and safety of our customers.
The Town of Granite Falls Wastewater Treatment Facility receives wastewater through the Town's wastewater collection system and converts the wastewater in order to safely return the treated water to the surface waters. The Wastewater Treatment Facility is located at 60 Meandering Way and serves over 1,800 residential and commercial customers.
The Wastewater Treatment Facility was originally constructed in 1969 as a 450,000 gallons per day contact stabilization facility. In 1986, the facility underwent a major renovation and upgrade, with the original plant becoming part of a 900,000 gallons per day oxidation ditch system. In 2016, the Town invested over $1.8 million dollars to renovate and upgrade the facility. This upgrade included state of the art equipment and an expansion of the activated sludge storage capacity. The Grade III facility currently operates at approximately 40% of its permitted capacity which allows for future economic development in the Town.

The Town of Granite Falls Wastewater Treatment Facility implements a secondary biological process utilizing Activated Sludge Treatment. Treatment processes at the Wastewater Treatment Facility consist of grit removal, screening, aerated oxidation ditches, secondary clarifiers, chlorination, dechlorination, and aerobic digesting of waste solids which are lime stabilized for vector and pathogen reduction. These processes convert the waste solids to environmentally friendly products that can be safely land applied as class B biosolids.

The Wastewater Treatment Facility operates a State Certified Laboratory which is inspected and certified on an annual basis. The laboratory currently tests for the following: pH, Total Residual Chlorine, Conductivity, and Dissolved Oxygen.
Facility: Granite Falls Wastewater Treatment Plant
Responsible Entity: Town of Granite Falls
Phone Number: 828.396.7111
Person in Charge: Randy Smith, Water Resources Director
Email: smith@granitefallsnc.com
Permits: NPDES Number NC0021890
Plant Supervisor: Tamara Coulter